Presence detection at the terminal

Control and track the presence of people using a chipcard, smartphone, QR code or barcode

Face-to-face events in closed rooms such as lectures or open cafeterias require special concepts during these times: Distances must be observed and visitors must be saved so that they can be traced in case of doubt.

Control and track the presence of people using a chipcard, smartphone, QR code or barcode

Face-to-face events in closed rooms such as lectures or open cafeterias require special concepts during these times: Distances must be observed and visitors must be saved so that they can be traced in case of doubt.

Beispielbild für Anwesenheitserfassung

The terminal for your attendance and health concept

With our new terminal for presence detection, we now offer the right solution for your SECANDA chip card system.

The terminal stores in the system who used the room and when, and thus which users were in the room together for a longer period of time. This enables the health authorities to follow up contacts later if necessary.

With our new terminal for presence detection, we now offer the right solution for your SECANDA chip card system.

The terminal stores in the system who used the room and when, and thus which users were in the room together for a longer period of time. This enables the health authorities to follow up contacts later if necessary.

Beispielbild für Terminal zur Anwesenheitserfassung

Control presence

Your students hold their chip card in front of the terminal when entering the room. Access is only granted until the maximum acceptable room occupancy has been reached.

Turnstiles, swing doors and door openers can be easily integrated.

You can also allocate seats or store lecture plans.

Invitation and reservation

Do you only want to allow access with an individual invitation or reservation? In this case, you can individually assign access rights for the respective chipcard.

Alternatively, you can also send your invitations by email with a QR or barcode.

The terminal can read out chip cards via RFID and also scan QR or barcodes with the built-in camera.

For easy administration and identification

As the administrator of your system, you can use the browser-based WebConfig to easily configure all terminals centrally from your workstation and have an overview and control of all devices. You can call up and statistically evaluate all relevant data at any time.

The presence control can be easily integrated into existing systems: Via the DataBridge you can integrate various ODBC databases and thus access student or employee data.

Beispielbild für Anwesenheitserfassung per QR-Code Scan

The terminal has customer-specific firmware that can be adapted according to your wishes and needs. This means that you receive a solution that is perfectly tailored to you.

Thanks to the WLAN capability, a network cable connection is not absolutely necessary, and the terminal also has Bluetooth.

Beispielbild für Anwesenheitserfassung per Barcode Scan

The e-mailing of QR and barcodes from the back-end system can be set up automatically and configured according to any parameters.

The QR code or barcode for identification at the terminals is read out on site by the camera integrated in the terminal. The camera recognizes the codes on paper as well as on smartphones and tablets.


  • Connection to all ODBC databases and access to student data via DataBridge
  • Including customized firmware
  • With the help of the browser-based WebConfig, all terminals can be easily configured from the workstation
  • Various settings can be made and all relevant data and statistics can be determined
  • The terminal has Bluetooth
  • The terminal has WLAN, so a network connection is not absolutely necessary
  • It is possible to control turnstiles, swing doors and door buzzers

The alternative solution – the mobile terminal

Read out chipcards at any location

The mobile chipcard terminal can also be used – as an alternative solution – to track infection chains within the framework of the Infection Protection Act.

In addition, the device can also be used to record the presence of students at compulsory courses with the exact attendance times. During exams, you control access to the examination area with the terminal and compare the student’s data with the examination registrations. In addition, you record the submission time for the examination.

Read out chipcards at any location

The mobile chipcard terminal can also be used – as an alternative solution – to track infection chains within the framework of the Infection Protection Act.

In addition, the device can also be used to record the presence of students at compulsory courses with the exact attendance times. During exams, you control access to the examination area with the terminal and compare the student’s data with the examination registrations. In addition, you record the submission time for the examination.

2 mobile Chipkartenterminals mit einer Chipkarte

In the case of university elections, you use the university card to verify your voting rights and ensure that each student only votes once. Or you can check the tickets and authorizations saved on the university card and control access to areas.

With this mobile solution, card data to be checked and stored event data can be exchanged in Excel format without separate software.

Parameters, map data, images and events can be transferred from or to the HOST via USB or WLAN.

Individual firmware adaptations also enable customer-specific functions here.

The impact-resistant housing with a scratch-resistant surface, ergonomic keyboard, color display and touch-sensitive softkeys mean maximum ease of use and robustness for everyday use.


  • Attendance check
  • Presence detection
  • Access control
  • Ticket control and validation
  • Seminar and examination control
  • Validation of cards
  • Display of credit
  • Participation in elections

Your personal system consultants

Your direct contact for every topic and all regions. We look forward to receiving your inquiries.

Chief sales officer international

Fritz Klose

Sébastien Dayer

Polyright AG
Promenade du Canal 83
CH-1950 Sion

+41 27 303 50 00

 +41 27 303 50 01


Sales manager United Kingdom

Julia Schmitt

Tony Brock

InterCard GmbH Kartensysteme
67 Dennets Close
Daventry, NN11 9AE
United Kingdom

+44 7581 4700 41

+49 7720 99 45 10


Sales Manager Italy

Julia Schmitt

Antonio Cozzoli

InterCard GmbH Kartensysteme
Marienstraße 10
78054 Villingen-Schwenningen

 +39 329 4129 165
