Payment terminals
for libraries

Library fees payments
at the terminal

With smart.BOOK, your visitors can easily pay library fees at the machine – in any system with a barcode or chipcard.

The visitors to your library identify themselves at the machine with their paper ID or their chipcard: The customer account is opened and the open charges are shown on the large display.

Library fees payments at the terminal

With smart.BOOK, your visitors can easily pay library fees at the machine – in any system with a barcode or chipcard.

The visitors to your library identify themselves at the machine with their paper ID or their chipcard: The customer account is opened and the open charges are shown on the large display.

Beispielbild für gargeldlose Bezahlung von Bibliotheksgebühren am Automaten

Pay and borrow again

The payment system is directly connected to the lending system, so that books can be borrowed again immediately after paying the fees.

In addition to the library fees, your visitors can optionally pay for other products, vouchers, tickets or fees for lockers at the machine.

Pay and borrow again

The payment system is directly connected to the lending system, so that books can be borrowed again immediately after paying the fees.

In addition to the library fees, your visitors can optionally pay for other products, vouchers, tickets or fees for lockers at the machine.

Beispielbild für das Bezahlen und wieder Ausleihen in Bibliotheken am Bezahlautomaten smart.Book

For barcode or chipcard

Do you already have a library system with a barcode on a paper ID card or have you decided on a chip card system?

In any case, we have the right accounting system, the corresponding machines and the systems for creating IDs.

For barcode or chipcard

Do you already have a library system with a barcode on a paper ID card or have you decided on a chip card system?

In any case, we have the right accounting system, the corresponding machines and the systems for creating IDs.

Beispielbild für das Bezahlen in Bibliotheken mit Barcode oder Chipkarterte

Pay flexibly in all variants

Beispielbild für das Bezahlen in Bibliotheken mit Bargeld

Pay with cash

In the simplest variant, library fees are paid in cash. Any remaining money will be refunded from the coin hopper.

Beispielbild für das Bezahlen in Bibliotheken per Lastschrift oder EC-Cash

Pay by direct debit or ec-cash

When paying with girocard, smart.BOOK supports the two forms of payment electronic direct debit and ec-cash.

Beispielbild für das Bezahlen mit der Chipkarte in Bibliotheken

Pay with the chipcard

If you use an SECANDA chipcard system, library fees and other payment transactions can also be debited directly from the chipcard.

Aufladeautomat smart.BOOKsmart.BOOK mit Shopfunktion
Bildschirm des Aufladeautomaten smart.BOOK mit Shopfunktion

smart.BOOK with shop function – shop, buy tickets and vouchers

With the shop function of smart.BOOK you can also cover all payment transactions that go beyond the normal library fees: For example, the sale of additional products such as USB sticks, interlibrary loan checks or even admission tickets.

Using the large 12 “touch panel monitor with intuitive user guidance, your users can select an item, pay for it and have a receipt printed out for it. This receipt can be used to collect the goods, prove payment or enter an event.

Beispielbild für den Aufladeautomaten smart.BOOK mit Schließfachfunktion
Bildschirm des Aufladeautomaten smart.BOOK mit Schließfachfunktion

smart.BOOK with locker function – pay locker fees

Do you use the chipcard system with locking function from SECANDA, with which locks can also be locked and opened?

Then you can also use smart.BOOK to pay the usage and overdraft fees for lockers.

Do you use the chipcard system with locking function from SECANDA, with which locks can also be locked and opened?

Then you can also use smart.BOOK to pay the usage and overdraft fees for lockers.

Find out more about the chip card-based locker system and other products from our range access control.

Your personal system consultants

Your direct contact for every topic and all regions. We look forward to receiving your inquiries.

Chief sales officer international

Fritz Klose

Sébastien Dayer

Polyright AG
Promenade du Canal 83
CH-1950 Sion

+41 27 303 50 00

 +41 27 303 50 01


Sales manager United Kingdom

Julia Schmitt

Tony Brock

InterCard GmbH Kartensysteme
67 Dennets Close
Daventry, NN11 9AE
United Kingdom

+44 7581 4700 41

+49 7720 99 45 10


Sales Manager Italy

Julia Schmitt

Antonio Cozzoli

InterCard GmbH Kartensysteme
Marienstraße 10
78054 Villingen-Schwenningen

 +39 329 4129 165
