Protect PC and network with the chipcard

Protect PC and network with the chipcard

Log in securely to the PC with chipcard and password and access data

In order to unlock computers or access networks a simple password will often not provide sufficient protection.

If the user’s personal chipcard is also read at the PC in addi­tion to the typing in of the password, this will offer consider­able extra security. All you have to do is connect a smart card reader via USB or use an existing reader.

This means that it will not be possible to access confidential data without the physical possession of the chipcard.

Use existing chipcard

Anyone who already uses their chip card as an access card for rooms or as a payment card for the cafeteria or canteen will in future also receive access to networks and data with the same chip card: from any PC with individually defined rights.

Employee or service cards and student or membership cards are given a further function in the existing chip card system.

Use existing chipcard

Anyone who already uses their chip card as an access card for rooms or as a payment card for the cafeteria or canteen will in future also receive access to networks and data with the same chip card: from any PC with individually defined rights.

Employee or service cards and student or membership cards are given a further function in the existing chip card system.

Beispielbild für Authentifizierung

2-factor authentication:
Password and chipcard, app or USB token

Access to a network or sensitive data is only considered securely protected if other factors are requested in addition to the simple password. A second password carries the risk that users simply repeat, write down or even leave their passwords behind.

With the chipcard, the app, a USB token or biometric features, the authentication can be reliably secured with any number of factors without having to ask for additional passwords.

Beispielbild für Zwei Faktor Authentifizierung
Beispielbild für Zwei Faktor Authentifizierung
Beispielbild für 2 Faktor Authentifizierung

Take the same access rights with you to every workstation

Whoever has access to clearly defined data and systems at a workplace within an organisation can also use these rights with the same authentication at other workplaces. If you move to another terminal or workplace you can automati­cally take your access rights for data and systems with you.

Take the same access rights with you to every workstation

Whoever has access to clearly defined data and systems at a workplace within an organisation can also use these rights with the same authentication at other workplaces. If you move to another terminal or workplace you can automati­cally take your access rights for data and systems with you.

Beispielbild für Authentifizierung

The process can also be used at public terminals, where students can use a common system everywhere on campus, but can only access their personalized data.

This means that the user has the same access rights at every location on campus or in the organization – or not.

The process can also be used at public terminals, where students can use a common system everywhere on campus, but can only access their personalized data.

This means that the user has the same access rights at every location on campus or in the organization – or not.

Beispielbild für Authentifizierung

Single Sign-on

Single Sign-on

Only one registration for all data and programs

With Single Sign-on a single login on a personal computer will be sufficient to gain access to a wide range of data and servers at the same time, and without entering additional access data. In this way the user will only have to remember a single password.

Which data the user can view and which programs he can use and how is clearly regulated by the individually assigned access rights.

The high level of security also remains with single sign-on if this central access authorization to all data is securely protected by the 2-factor authentication with the chipcard.

Beispielbild für Authentifizierung mit nur einer Anmeldung

Temporary transfer of permissions

Secure access to data and applications also means conversely security when assigning processes to people.

For example, whoever registers as a student for exams or a new semester at the university, or whoever uses systems and data as a doctor, can be reliably assigned.

In the event of liability cases or data leaks, the individual user can be precisely identified.

Beispielbild für Authentifizierung

Clearly assign
system users

Central management of authorizations allows access to personal data and directories to be transferred without having to reveal passwords or share them.

For example, access authorization can be granted temporarily for vacation replacements and later be withdrawn.

Beispielbild für Authentifizierung

Your personal system consultants

Your direct contact for every topic and all regions. We look forward to receiving your inquiries.

Chief sales officer international

Fritz Klose

Sébastien Dayer

Polyright AG
Promenade du Canal 83
CH-1950 Sion

+41 27 303 50 00

 +41 27 303 50 01


Sales manager United Kingdom

Julia Schmitt

Tony Brock

InterCard GmbH Kartensysteme
67 Dennets Close
Daventry, NN11 9AE
United Kingdom

+44 7581 4700 41

+49 7720 99 45 10


Sales Manager Italy

Julia Schmitt

Antonio Cozzoli

InterCard GmbH Kartensysteme
Marienstraße 10
78054 Villingen-Schwenningen

 +39 329 4129 165
