Published On: 6. August 2021| Categories: Investor Relations| 1.9 min read| 378 words|

Half-year figures 2021

InterCard AG Informationssysteme completed the first half-year 2021 with a growth in revenues amounting to TEUR 10,423. During the comparable period of the previous year the concern’s revenues amounted to TEUR 9,200.

As expected, the revenues and result during the first half-year continued to be adversely affected by the continued closures in the university sector. During the previous year, due to a considerable orders backlog from 2019 it was possible to implement important projects in good time before the corona-virus pandemic, especially during the first quarter, thereby achieving relevant revenues. Against this background, the increase in revenues during this year is entirely due to the first consolidation of the new stockholding IDpendant during the first half-year. In future the revenues will then rise from a mixture of organic and anorganic growth.

During the first half-year the EBITDA lay at TEUR 835 (previous year 1,182), the EBIT at TEUR 299 (previous year 643), the EBT at TEUR 228 (previous year 594) and the annual surplus at TEUR 164 (previous year 206). It continued to be possible to cushion the decline in result in the affected areas by reductions in costs and a large share of high-margin existing business. The InterCard business models provide for a close long-term business relationship with existing customers in addition to new business.

Apart from a return to the expansion of new business, InterCard is also working on the expansion of licence-based business models for future years. All this will be made possible by the new ID system of InterCard. Unlike previous chipcard systems, it centralises all the data of those who are registered within the system, on the basis of the secure ID, and thereby creates numerous new opportunities in all the applications within the system: new payment options, the new app, the precise allocation of all processes for each person and the central administration of individual rights for physical and digital access. These features are all available right from the start with the new registration processes for new users. You will find more on this subject under

Thus the technical and organisational restructuring of InterCard creates the potential for increased revenues at low cost: for more international expansion, new markets and hospitals, the continuous addition of applications for the central ID and migrations to a higher technological standard for existing customers.

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The documents provided on this website contain statements related to our future business and financial per­for­mance and future events or developments involving SECANDA Group that may constitute forward-looking statements. These statements may be identified by words such as “expect,” “look forward to,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” “seek,” “estimate,” “will,” “project” or words of similar meaning. We may also make forward- looking statements in other reports, in prospectuses, in presentations, in material delivered to shareholders and in press releases. In addition, our representatives may from time to time make oral forward-looking statements. Such statements are based on the current expectations and certain assumptions of SECANDA’s management, of which many are beyond SECANDA’s control. These are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and factors, including, but not limited to, those described in disclosures, in particular in the chapter Report on expected developments and associated material opportunities and risks in the Annual Report and in the Half-year Financial Report, which should be read in conjunction with the Annual Report. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, events of force majeure, such as pandemics, occur or should decisions, assessments or requirements of regulatory authorities deviate from our expectations, or should underlying expectations including future events occur at a later date or not at all or assumptions prove incorrect, actual results, performance or achievements of SECANDA may (negatively or positively) vary materially from those described explicitly or implicitly in the relevant forward-looking statement. SECANDA neither intends, nor assumes any obligation, to update or revise these forward-looking statements in light of de­ve­lop­ments which differ from those anticipated.

All documents are available as an English translation; in the event of discrepancies, the German version of the document takes precedence over the English translation. For technical reasons, there may be discrepancies between the accounting documents contained in this document and those published due to legal requirements.

The documents provided on this website contain statements related to our future business and financial performance and future events or developments involving SECANDA Group that may constitute forward-looking statements. These statements may be identified by words such as “expect,” “look forward to,” “anticipate,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” “seek,” “estimate,” “will,” “project” or words of similar meaning.

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We may also make forward- looking statements in other reports, in prospectuses, in presentations, in material delivered to shareholders and in press releases. In addition, our representatives may from time to time make oral forward- looking statements. Such statements are based on the current expectations and certain assumptions of SECANDA’s management, of which many are beyond SECANDA’s control. These are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and factors, including, but not limited to, those described in disclosures, in particular in the chapter Report on expected developments and associated material opportunities and risks in the Annual Report and in the Half-year Financial Report, which should be read in conjunction with the Annual Report. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, events of force majeure, such as pandemics, occur or should decisions, assessments or requirements of regulatory authorities deviate from our expectations, or should underlying expectations including future events occur at a later date or not at all or assumptions prove incorrect, actual results, performance or achievements of SECANDA may (negatively or positively) vary materially from those described explicitly or implicitly in the relevant forward-looking statement. SECANDA neither intends, nor assumes any obligation, to update or revise these forward-looking statements in light of developments which differ from those anticipated.

All documents are available as an English translation; in the event of discrepancies, the German version of the document takes precedence over the English translation. For technical reasons, there may be discrepancies between the accounting documents contained in this document and those published due to legal requirements.

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